GENIRE: Põlvkonnad ja põlvkondade vahelised suhted kujunevas infoühiskonnas

Laste ja noorte meediakasutusega seonduvad probleemid

Blinka, L.; Škařupová, K.; Ševčíková, A.; Wölfling, K.; Müller, K.; Dreier, M. (2015). Excessive internet use in European adolescents: What determines differences in severity? International Journal of Public Health, 60(2), 249-256.

Blinka, L.; Smahel, D. (2011). Predictors of adolescents’ excessive internet use: A comparison across European countries. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (237­-241). Medimond.

Kalmus, V.; Siibak, A.; Blinka, L. (2014). Internet and child well-being. Ben-Arieh, A.; Frones, I.; Casas, F.; Korbin, J.E. (Eds.). Handbook of Child Well-Being: Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perspective (2093-2133). Dordrecht: Springer.

Smahel, D.; Blinka, L. (2012). Excessive internet use among European children. Livingstone, S.; Haddon, L.; Görzig, A. (Eds.). Children, risk and safety on the internet: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective (191-­203). Bristol: The Policy Press.

Soo, K.; Ainsaar, M.; Kalmus, V. (2012). Behind the curtains of e-state: Determinants of online sexual harassment among Estonian children. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 4(2), 35-48.